Although Navier Ingeniería is a young company, we have a great experience in all fields of civil engineering, industry, architecture and urban and environmental development. Navier is able to cover diverse services, such as:
- Technical and management consulting: investments evaluation, infrastructure financing, technical-financial models, exploitation advice, energy audits...
- Projects and reports: feasibility studies, basic projects, bidding projects, construction projects, detailed engineering …
- Project management and on-site supervision: we have considerable experience in bridge construction, hydraulic works, industrial installations and buildings.
- “Turnkey” execution and integrated project management: covering the entire process up to the entry into service of the new works and facilities.
- Software. Information systems and implementation of programs related to the management of infrastructures and industrial facilities (GIS, SCADA, Simulation Models...)
- R+D+I: Focused on internal technological work tools and special projects. Technologies for the diagnosis of water distribution networks. Instrumentation and measurement for optimising energy consumption in pumping stations.