
Water and Environment

  • Irrigation networks
  • Water supply and sewage networks
  • Water treatment processes and plants
  • Dams and reservoirs
  • Hydroelectric resources
  • Canals
  • Tanks and pumping stations
  • Aquiculture: Fish farms and factories
  • Hydrogeology
  • Hydrological planning
  • Reports and environmental procedures
  • Hydrology and Drainage
  • Energy Audits

Noteworthy works

Conducciones derivadas de Béznar-Rules

Pipelines derived of Béznar-Rules

Drafting of the Construction Project for the pipelines derived from the Beznar-Rules Dam System (Granada). Itemized No. 9. Common section (supply and irrigation) at level 200. AGUAS DE LAS CUENCAS DE ESPAÑA S.A. (ACUAES). (Work in progress).

Zona Regable de Tierra de Barros

Irrigation Area of Tierra de Barros

Construction Project of the Irrigation Area of Tierra de Barros (Badajoz). CONSEJERÍA DE MEDIO AMBIENTE Y RURAL, POLÍTICAS AGRARIAS Y TERRITORIO. JUNTA DE EXTREMADURA. (November 2020).

Distribution Canal to the Left Bank of the Guadalquivir Rice Zone

Delimitation of the Guadalfeo River Borders

Technical Assistance for the Delimitation of the Guadalfeo River Borders, Section from Rules Dam to Tajo de los Vados. Municipalities of Salobreña, Motril, Vélez de Benaudalla and Los Guájares (Granada). COUNCIL OF ENVIRONMENT AND MANAGEMENT OF THE TERRITORY - JUNTA DE ANDALUCIA. (work in progress).
Trigueros Canal

Trigueros Canal

Design of the Irrigation Area and Construction Proyect of the Trigueros Canal (Huelva). AGUAS DE LAS CUENCAS DE ESPAÑA S.A. (ACUAES). (work in progress).
Irrigation Area of Tierra de Barros

Collection and pumping from Sección 2ª of Guadalquivir Marshes

Study of alternatives for the collection and pumping of water for irrigation from the Guadalquivir River to the Irrigation Community of Section 2 of the Guadalquivir Marshes. T.T. from La Puebla del Río (Seville). COMUNIDAD DE REGANTES DE SECCION 2º DE LAS MARISMAS DEL GUADALQUIVIR. (work in progress).
Trigueros Canal

Improvement of drains on the south right bank of the Guadalquivir

Drainage improvement study on the south right bank of the Guadalquivir. JUNTA CENTRAL DE USUARIOS ARROCEROS DE LA MARGEN DERECHA DEL GUADALQUIVIR. (work in progress).
Balsa de Veta la Palma

Reservoir of Veta la Palma

Construction Project for a Reservoir in the Veta la Palma Estate. TT.MM. of Puebla del Río and Isla Mayor (Seville). IRRIGATION COMMUNITY "VETA LA PALMA". (September 2017). Works of Construction Management in progress.
Balsa de Hato Blanco Viejo

Reservoir of Hato Blanco Viejo

Construction Project for a Reservoir in the Hato Blanco Viejo Estate. T.M. of Aznalcazar (Seville). IRRIGATION COMMUNITY "LUCIO DEL HOMBRE". (October 2017). Works of Construction Management in progress
Distribution Canal to the Left Bank of the Guadalquivir Rice Zone

Distribution Canal to the Left Bank of the Guadalquivir Rice Zone

Basic Project for the Distribution Canal to the Left Bank of the Guadalquivir Rice Zone. T.T.M.M. several (Seville). HYDROGRAPHIC CONFEDERATION OF GUADALQUIVIR. (March 2019).

Connection of the Lower Guadalquivir Canal with the Recirculation System of the Left Margin Rice Zone

Connection of the Lower Guadalquivir Canal with the Recirculation System of the Left Margin Rice Zone

Basic Project for the Connection of the Lower Guadalquivir Canal with the Recirculation System of the Guadalquivir Left Margin Rice Zone (Seville). CENTRAL BOARD OF GUADALQUIVIR LEFT MARGIN RICE ZONE IRRIGATORS. (July 2018).
Balsa de Hato Blanco Viejo

Drainage of the ecological flow of the La Minilla Dam and turbination study

Study of Turbinate the Ecological Flows Regime and Descriptive Technical Documentation of the Adaptation of the Organs of Drain of La Minilla Dam for Ecological Flows. METROPOLITAN WATER SUPPLY AND SANITATION COMPANY OF SEVILLE, S.A. (EMASESA). (November 2017).
Automation the Gates of the Peñaflor Dam

Automation the Gates of the Peñaflor Dam

Automation Expansion of the Gates on the Guadalquivir River in the Peñaflor Dam. PALMA DEL RIO. (Córdoba). GUADALQUIVIR HYDROGRAPHIC CONFEDERATION (CHG). Phase 1 (May 2015)and phase 2 (August 2017).
Improvement of agricultural soils of Veta la Palma

Improvement of agricultural soils of Veta la Palma

Improvement Projects of Agricultural soils and Facilities of Wash of salts and Drainage for Winter Crops in the North Zone of the farm Veta la Palma. La Puebla de Rio and Isla Mayor, (Sevilla). ISLA MAYOR FICHERIES (PIMSA). (Novembre 2015).
Hydraulic Connection between Sevilla and Los Melonares Dam

Hydraulic Connection between Sevilla and Los Melonares Dam

Construction Management of the Connection between Viar Canal and Sevilla Water Supply System. GUADALQUIVIR HYDROGRAPHIC CONFEDERATION (August 2015).
Improvement of the Facilities of Irrigation Community Section 1st of Guadalquivir Marshland

Improvement of the Facilities of Irrigation Community Section 1st of Guadalquivir Marshland

Project of the Improvement of the Facilities of Irrigation Community Section 1st of Guadalquivir Marshland. Located in Utrera, Dos Hermanas y Los Palacios y Villafranca, Seville, Spain. IRRIGATION COMMUNITY OF SECTION 1ST OF THE GUADALQUIVIR MARSHLAND. (June 2015).

Improvement of the Facilities of Irrigation Community Puebla del Río

Improvement of the Facilities of Irrigation Community Puebla del Río

Project of the Improvement of the Facilities of Irrigation Community Puebla del Río. Located in La Puebla del Río, Seville, Spain. IRRIGATION COMMUNITY OF PUEBLA DEL RÍO. (June 2015).

Improvement of the Aquaculture Facilities of Veta la Palma

Improvement of the Aquaculture Facilities of Veta la Palma

Improvement of the Aquaculture Facilities of Veta la Palma. ISLA MAYOR FICHERIES (PIMSA). Located on Isla Mayor, Sevilla, Spain. (November 2013).
El Gergal - Hydropower Viability Analysis

El Gergal - Hydropower Viability Analysis

Report for Installation a Hydropower Facilities in El Gergal, Analyzing the Interactions with Raw Water Strategic System for Sevilla. METROPOLITAN WATER AND SANITATION SERVICES OF SEVILLA (EMASESA). (April 2012).
Turbinado de La Trocha (ETAP Carambolo)

Hydropower in La Trocha

Report for Installation an Hydropower Facilities in La Trocha, Analizying the Interactions with Water Supply Distribution System for Sevilla. METROPOLITAN WATER AND SANITATION SERVICES OF SEVILLA (EMASESA). (April 2012).
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